Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hola! Hola! Hola! Hola!

It has been FOREVER! has it not?

WELL! I had to bring my computer in to the Geek Squad. UGH! It kept over-heating and being a pain and just had to do it! (SO FAR SO GOOD)

Currently my life is crazy! Work is INSANE, even on Xmas Eve. Which I'm fine with considering we'll be dead after Christmas... oh well! Take as much as you can, right?

I finished all of my Christmas shopping very early this year and I am super happy to say that. All I have to do is wrap a few here there and be done! :) WHOOOOOO!!!

Lately, to pass my time of course, I've been listening to a lot of music. I'm very obsessed with spanish music right now. Meaning everyone is speaking spanish. the correct genre is probably Latina Musica. I've been listening to lots of my old music and have fallen back in love!

I am also watching the movie Volver right now. As we speak! haha! Its with Penelope Cruz and it's in all spanish. Spanish spanish too. Penelope is from Spain originally and is a fantastic actress! Just love her! Can't WAIT to see Nine!

Well, Im so tired and have to get soome sleep! big day ahead of me tomorrow!


ta-ta for now! :) night bloggers!