Sunday, July 25, 2010

what would you think...

''I wish u would run more tho cuz u would be 10x hotter''

...if you got a text that said this?

im pretty much destroyed. as if my self-esteem was on the downs before...

to put things more simply i havent felt pretty, wanted, needed in years. i dont think im an overly-sensitive girl but i showed men this text. they all flipped out before i even said anything. this was the recovery...

"u hot, and i totally like that u work out and if u do everyday that's hot"

so if i dont everyday, im not hot?

its pricks like this one that make girls the way they are. im so glad im a spiteful person that tomorrow ill do my monday 1-2 mile run go home swim, and eat the rest of the day in SPITE of you.

the worst part is, ive been waiting to see him for a very long time. monday was supposed to be our day. how ironic how ass holes come to be ass holes the day of.

ive been crying way too much over this. i cant wait to sleep (IF I CAN) and wake up to a new day. i would consider this the worst monday of my life. i officially hit 15 on my roster and no one is looking for anything but a good time. how fucking shallow are people? i can't wait to fill out my profile.

i hope that doesnt happen soon, but i cant FUCKING wait.

i really really reallly realllllly cant believe that this happened. i told him to reread his texts tomorrow when he's sober. and then told him that if i ran 10 miles a day ide look like a boy and that i love my dcup boobs and "beyonce" ass GOODNIGHT!

ew. im just so disgusted right now. to actually think...gah! i cant even talk in full sentences.

KARMA IS A bitch. i cant wait for you to get yours.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Whats up whats up?

Im currently on Skype. Talking to DJ right now. I went to his show in Steger. It was a very fun night! lots of heavy metal and monster! He is an amazing guitar player. lots of tapping, high notes and fast drumming! sweet! tomorrow im going to meet with someone i havent seen in a long time. im also going to see eclipse with ariel. surprisingly enough, havent seen it yet. AWWW baby tia just peeked her head into my room its thunderstorming and she hates the loud boombooms. poor baby.

im going to nawleans! i decided me and dj are road tripping and going very soon! im pumped. im pretty sure i wont come back. :) im cool with that.

on monday me and someone fun are getting together! :) wish me luck.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cry me a...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I make them good girls go bad.

Well, my life is different. Wednesday night I made a big decision and ended my 3 year relationship. Not much to say, in a weird funk today. I think it's the best thing for me. And him too, really.

I'll write later.
