Monday, August 22, 2011

Black Sheep.

Well, it happened again. I went RED. Surprised?! I didn't think so.

It's the end of summer. WAHHH WAHHHHHHHHH. drag, I know. :/
On the brighter side of life, who's excited for fall all you midwestern-ers?! I know I can't wait to see all those pretty colors! Just getting more and more pumped every day! The fashion, the movies, the tv, the holidays! I can't wait for every part of fall! :)

Did anyone see any great summer movies this year? I JUST saw Captain America! I have to tell ya, I think it was my favorite super hero story! I love all underdog stories, but this one was just a TRUE underdog story. I loved every minute of it. (Including the hair, make-up, etc.) :D Not to mention Mr. Evans looked pretty okay. ;)

So! anyone have any good Halloween ideas? I'm thinking about something a little more subtle this year. I know, I know. LAME. But I'll make it a good one. Don't you worry. ;)

I'm off tho! Into the whole pin-up 1940's look from Captain America so I'm curling the ole mop tonight for the first time in over 6 months. :D YAYYYY!! hair!!

wish me luck!

