Friday, December 28, 2012

Dun Dun Dun...

You done it NOW!

Been feeding my food addiction. Oh that appetite. Never happy when it takes control again. Oh well.

So! Guess what starts up after the new year?! Burlesque classes!! :D!! Here's the kicker. I work Saturdays. That's out. I work Tuesday and Thursday nights. So.. the beginner classes. Bummer. No place for me to go. What I'm thinking I might do is switch my schedule a bit... seems like a great way to make some changes. Get away from some things. Do a little switch-eroooo!

How absolutely gorgeous!

New Years resolutions anyone? Last year, I made the resolution to take a vacation every quarter. Even if it's just a weekend away. I failed. Miserably. I made it to one vacation. It was a week long. That counts for maybe 1 1/2. Right?

So this year, I'm going to make more time for myself. I always put off that pedicure. I never get to work out. I never get to make my lunches. Never get to do that 3 mile run I was looking forward to. So! Maybe, just maybe, it might be a little easier to accomplish this year. :)


and Tata!
<3 Angela P.S. Be Fabulous, Darlin'!