Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And that's what you get!

Guess who's obsessed with red hair again?!

SIIIGH! I think I'm finally going to just admit that I'm fair-skinned. BLAH! I like red tho, it suits us fair-skinned pretty well.

Good news good news! I finally got to week 3 on my 100-push-up-challenge! WHOOOOOO!!! Which makes me feel fabulous cuz im doing about 75 push-ups total right now. of course in 5-6 sets but thats a lot! i would know, im doing the push-ups.

Catie (cuz catie) came into work today! she got her norm (highlights and cut) and she seems super excited about graduating and moving on to madison! how cool for her! she seems to really like her boyfriend! considering theyre moving in together!! :)

This weekend is going to be amazing! I'm seeing Daniel Tosh! I am so excited I can't even begin to tell you! I absolutely LOOOVE stand-up and I know it's going to be absolutely FanTAStico!

I had a purpose to this blog but forgot... so I guess I'll blog later..

:/ weird.. lol



Rock and Roll baby, don't you know that, we're all alone now, I need something to sing about.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


It's my saturday and I'm bored. Its really sunday, but MY saturday! GIVE ME A BREAK! I'm pretty sick of sitting at home on the weekend! Im starting to think I should organize my life/room hahaha...i'm gonna try that!
