Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Well, hello there strangers. How has everyone been? Enjoying fall I hope? Talk about a fun summer for me. Anyone do any traveling?

I don't have much to write about tonight. Kind of winging it.

Definitely falling back in love with Johnny. Surprised? No, probably not.
I started running again. Now THAT i was surprised about. My knees are actually feeling good too. :)
I ran a full mile, without stopping, in my first attempt at running again. BOOYAH!
I'm getting my life back on track. Been feeling a little spirally lately. Not to be worried, I can recognize these things.

So what is everyone's top priority in life?


No right or wrong answer, just curious...

I've been reading my horoscope tons lately. Love hearing any advice even if the person writing them is only rolling with it for the $$.

That's life.

Anyone believe in horoscopes? Stars? Fate? Book of numbers?

I got nothin' else. Kind of looking forward to relaxing tonight. Watching a movie, hanging with my pets.

OH! I got a fish! his name is Buddha! He's a veiltail male Beta! I love him! he's red! :) I'll put a pic up soon.



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