Saturday, August 22, 2009

Callin' all cowboys!

Can you believe that it's practically September?! :)

So! I took a test online tonight and it was to determine if I'm a yankee or a rebel. Now, I don't remember much of my history so when I got the results of "61% Dixie" I was slightly confused. I'm missing out on so much history being stuck here in the midwest! I'm fixin' to visit the south! I need some good BBQ and cowboys!

Since there's only a few of you that read this blog, Aunt Vicki, haha... I'll just let you know that these pictures I have up are "Jason Stackhouse" aka Ryan Kwanten from the HBO series Trueblood. He's actually an Aussie (bummer, I know...) but plays a good ol southan boooy in the series. He is fooooine!

I talked to Ariel today, I received a few picture messages from her. I got to see what her apartment looked like! It's super cute! I'm planning on going down to Bloomington to visit her, SOMETIME soon. I was hopiing to go to homecoming then her birthday, which would actually be Halloween weekend! How fun will that be?! I know I'll definitely be there for her birthday but I'm not 100% on homecoming yet! Keep your fingee's crossed!

Anywho, I'm fixin' for some Trueblood so I think I miight get some onDemand and relax with mah pooches! Have a great weekend! And good luck to everyone going back to school!


GLA rose.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Time's flying!

Wow! I can't believe that it's already August! School is about to start and I don;t have to attend! Crazy how much I feel like I have to go get my supplies and bookbags and new shoes! WEEEEIRD! haha!

Recently, I've been up to a lot! This weekend I went to Comic-Con Chicago! Me, Andrew, Charlie and Jon all went on Sunday and had a great time. Although it was smelly, I still had a good time and dropped some cash on some fun new things. I got some really cool things! they were selling swords, knives, t-shirts, comic books, playboy magazines, posters, everything! I got to meet a lot of people, including cast of New Moon, the little person from Pirates of the Carribean, C3Po and R2D2. I don't ever really remember typing out their names so if i miss-spelled any names I'm very sorry!

I also went to the hill for some classic italian food and music! We all thought we were attending St. Rocco fest but later found out it was in a couple of weeks. We still don't know the name for the fest we were actually at, but we had fun anyways! Me, mom, dad, mana and papa all went. We had Italian Sausage sandwiches, beef sandwiches, calamari, and lots of fried, doughy, desserts. I ran into a lot of people I haven't seen in a very long time! Such a cool thing to see so many people from my past!

Anyways! I gotta run, much to do still.

