Saturday, August 22, 2009

Callin' all cowboys!

Can you believe that it's practically September?! :)

So! I took a test online tonight and it was to determine if I'm a yankee or a rebel. Now, I don't remember much of my history so when I got the results of "61% Dixie" I was slightly confused. I'm missing out on so much history being stuck here in the midwest! I'm fixin' to visit the south! I need some good BBQ and cowboys!

Since there's only a few of you that read this blog, Aunt Vicki, haha... I'll just let you know that these pictures I have up are "Jason Stackhouse" aka Ryan Kwanten from the HBO series Trueblood. He's actually an Aussie (bummer, I know...) but plays a good ol southan boooy in the series. He is fooooine!

I talked to Ariel today, I received a few picture messages from her. I got to see what her apartment looked like! It's super cute! I'm planning on going down to Bloomington to visit her, SOMETIME soon. I was hopiing to go to homecoming then her birthday, which would actually be Halloween weekend! How fun will that be?! I know I'll definitely be there for her birthday but I'm not 100% on homecoming yet! Keep your fingee's crossed!

Anywho, I'm fixin' for some Trueblood so I think I miight get some onDemand and relax with mah pooches! Have a great weekend! And good luck to everyone going back to school!


GLA rose.


  1. I think the appeal to southern boys is that they are tough but very sweet and respectful of the ladies. Oh, and the way they speak helps to. Please don't get a good ole southern boy confused with a redneck. They are two different species!

  2. Haha- I think you're right Auntie Vicki! And yes, I'll definitely be able to tell a redneck and a southern boy apart! haha you have to admit tho, rednecks do make things interesting! hahahaha! miss you! <3
