Monday, August 10, 2009

Time's flying!

Wow! I can't believe that it's already August! School is about to start and I don;t have to attend! Crazy how much I feel like I have to go get my supplies and bookbags and new shoes! WEEEEIRD! haha!

Recently, I've been up to a lot! This weekend I went to Comic-Con Chicago! Me, Andrew, Charlie and Jon all went on Sunday and had a great time. Although it was smelly, I still had a good time and dropped some cash on some fun new things. I got some really cool things! they were selling swords, knives, t-shirts, comic books, playboy magazines, posters, everything! I got to meet a lot of people, including cast of New Moon, the little person from Pirates of the Carribean, C3Po and R2D2. I don't ever really remember typing out their names so if i miss-spelled any names I'm very sorry!

I also went to the hill for some classic italian food and music! We all thought we were attending St. Rocco fest but later found out it was in a couple of weeks. We still don't know the name for the fest we were actually at, but we had fun anyways! Me, mom, dad, mana and papa all went. We had Italian Sausage sandwiches, beef sandwiches, calamari, and lots of fried, doughy, desserts. I ran into a lot of people I haven't seen in a very long time! Such a cool thing to see so many people from my past!

Anyways! I gotta run, much to do still.



1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of you with your mom, but you look topless! Yikes... The picture of Mana and Papa with your P's is a great one. You should be sure to give them a copy.
    Angela, you can buy supplies and act like you are getting ready for school, because when you get to the point where you're missing homework, I'm sure Scott and Annabelle would be glad to pass some on! LOL!!

    Love you!
