Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wasting space!

Wasting space with Chace! haha! This past week and weekend has been crazy! Work has been waaayyy busy and I've had such an eventful past week! I went to my first country concert! How fun! I saw Carrie Underwood at the Ravinia, well I really didn't see her so much but I enjoyed listening to her live! Both Lauren and Kevin came and they brought Caleb along too! He was wayyy ready and definitely excited to run around! :) Too cute!

Enough with the VAMPIRE crap!! My gosh everrryyytthing is vampire! I will admit, i love vampires, the books, the movies, the tv shows but I'm sick of the posers and stragglers!! My gosh!!!

So anywho! I decided that with my blog I'm just wasting space, in space. haha! the WWW is so empty I might as well just waste it! So I'll do so with pictures of sexy men. haha!

Can you guys believe that it's september?! I can't! I just recently told my mom and boyfriend that I'm thinking about takiing a pastry class! how fun right?! I don't think i spelled pastry right, it doesn't look right...

But how cool right? learn about baking and hopefully some chocolate! Super excited!

Alright, I gotta go. Gotta put some top coat on my fingees and lay around some more! Much to do! haha!




  1. You should think more of yourself, you are not wasted space when you fill with yourself - your dreams, aspirations, just you. Space should be lucky to have you part of it.

    Enjoy your dayoff - you deserve it. Hope your nails come out the way you like them. And yes, a pastry class sounds fab! I'm sure your brother could train you -if I recall correctly, he makes great pastries too!

  2. haha! i wish Kevin could teach me something about baking, unfortunately he "doesn't bake." so im the baker in the family!

    see ya soon! labor day? :)
