Thursday, January 14, 2010


SO! guess who started looking towards her next vacaaaationnn!!! :) ME!

I went to borders today and was looking through all of the travel section. im in between 2 vaca's right now but im more looking at hawaii. how exciting right? im really planning on doing a lot of beachside things. staying somewhere beachside, hanging beachside, tanning beachside... ya know! :) i cant decide when i want to go tho! i still need to figure out whats the best time of year. im thinking more summer cuz that way i can find someone to come with. as much as u'd like to think people would jump at the offer, a lot of my friends and family "can't afford it." thats what the tell me at least! BAH! :/

Has anyone ever been to Hawaii? or any of the islands?

i went to jamaica years ago, it was gorgeous! i loved it, but it came and went so fast and i think that was the last vacation i was on! :(

time to do it again!!

dont you just love these pictures? B-E-A-UTIFUL!



1 comment:

  1. Wow I had so much to catch up on. Our computer at home had a virus so for many weeks I was not on it and at the same time our company blocked internet usage! I've slipped through today - Lunch time- and was finally able to read all your blogs. Glad New Year's was good. Vacations are great - Hawaii is big $$ and a long flight - airfare alone will break the bank, but don't frett! You should plan a less expensive trip to warmer weather, like Florida.I suggest you go soon and stay with Catie. Just 3 days away and you'll feel awesome!
