Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Twenty Ten.

HOLY COW! its 2010!!

Why not start it off with some Shia?


Recently, I've gotten into the art scene. Kinda fun. I started dabbling in some tabbing and paint. I've actually been doing some fan art for Shia. Haven't finished one yet but it'll happen.

Now that my life is settled and seems to be going well, I've been doing a lot of cooking. For new years eve i made some lobster tails for charlie and myself. yayy! :) I made a barley dish also, THAT is one of my fav dishes. love rice and barley and risotto. super yum!

Im thinking about taking a vacation! i made a lot of new year resolutions! haha one of them is to relax more! vacation vacation vacation! im thinking florida. or maybe somewhere in tennessee or louisiana. theres some sweet treasure hunting and gold digging spots in those areas. i'de love to go check that out! get some money and spend some money! ching ching!

so i did the calculations and its only 35 days til my birthday. oh em gee!! still weighing my options but im definitely thinking party at my house! :)

i colored my hair today! looks fab! much better! its a shade or two darker, very kardashian! i also have crazy blunt bangs. crazy meaning theyre heavy and very committing haha. im cool with that tho. i dont look good without bangs so i dig it!

well i ate entirely too much coldstone ice cream and feel like im going to vom so i think im gonna take a bath and try to relax some!



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