Monday, October 29, 2012

Get it girl.

Do you really think that people can read minds?

Maybe people think that you can read theirs.

Yeah, knock me down.

There's a lot of energy not being burned here. A lot of anger is bottling and I've had it just about up to here.

There's nothing more annoying than being judged for everything that comes out of your mouth.

By the way, grow up.

Are you ever around someone and feel that they know everything. You can't tell them anything and you really don't want to even speak because you know they will never understand your opinion? How do you approach this situation? Because right now, I'm starting to get a headache. So I just walk away.

So, I don't need this. No one does. Get you shit in order. Be a decent human being and keep your cool.

But if your shit is not together
It'll never be you and me, plant the seed
Open up and let it be

Hit it on the head.

Now to decide what next.

<3 Angela We've had our fill, we've had enough, we've had it up here
Are we all we are
Are we all we are

Sunday, October 21, 2012


They always said that there would be a person that comes into my life and will change my mind. I get it now.

The only thing I can't help but do is wonder. Everything is so vague and it's annoying. I sometimes think I know exactly what I think. But then I feel as if I know nothing. I get so mad at myself for falling so fast and hard. I put all my eggs in one basket. I don't even know how it happened.

I have this love hate relationship with myself. I want to be real and put myself in a good place. Being honest and a decent person. Now here I am. Wishing I hadn't because frankly, I have no idea how he feels about me.

I so miss my cat. I never thought I would say that but I feel that she's still here and when I look for her, I can't find her. It's upsetting.

I recently went and got extensions. The extensions only last a wopping 4 days. Something that was supposed to last up to 3 months only stayed in for 4 days. Holy cow. I hated looking at myself in a mirror. When you really don't have a clue who you are, don't think a set of hair will make you feel better. Well hey, it's a lesson I had to learn the hard way, I guess. Hair doesn't make a woman. It brought me down.

I have this theory. When I have my short hair, I feel confident, pretty and... "out of their league?" I don't know how else to describe it. With longer hair, I feel like I attract the "bro's" and the boys. The boys that have no clue what they're getting themselves into. They can't keep up and they want to play games. Ew. I also feel like the boys that say they want to see me with long hair are the guys that will never last. Do you know just how amazing us women can be?

I'm starting to think it's a power- struggle type thing. This bad- ass chick has short as hell hair. She really doesn't care what anyone thinks about her, she has a self- esteem and can hold her own. Can't win with her... might as well pray on the weak ones then.

Just a theory I'm starting to develop. It also is a generation thing I think as well. Cultural? Hm... more work to be done!

I go now. Tata!
