Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I keep seeing this partnership. I find this interesting. People have told me in my life, that when you meet the right person, your life will chnage and you will want to get married. Maybe, just maybe I have met that person.

I make the salad, you make the meat. You cook the dinner, I clean it up. You got dinner, I'll get breakfast. Always looking out for eachother and speaking up for eachother. I love when things feel so natural but you feel as if you never would meet someone so incredible.

When do you start asking questions? I hate fear. :/

Went on a helicopter ride. Was one of the most fabulous ride of my life. Flew out from the suburbs up to the city. Wecircled the sears tower and came back. How incredible.

Get out and see the world. It makes you realize that your life is fabulous.


<3 Angela

You're addicted to a feeling you can only get.
From me and your cigarettes.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Tata! Tata!

I find that things may constantly change, but there is an ever repeating circle of events that keep occurring.

Just like my hair. I think I love what I like. I like what I have for a matter of days and it just keeps repeating. I wonder how different it might be if I only didn't have a job that was so... vanity driven.

My family life is growing! I can't believe all a month can change in your life! Who knows if you're ever ready, ami right?

Well, that's my vicious circle I guess I must endure.

I guess I go sleep now. Tata!

<3 Xo Angela

P.S. Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

And here I lay in my same place again.
Wondering oh, wondering if he is my friend.
While I sit and wait for his breath,
I'll think on the day that we first met.

If this is so true to be,
Let him fall over and kiss me.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Somewhere Trouble Don't Go.

Take me. Take me. Somewhere trouble don't go.

I have been all over. And back again. I'm so excited to start a new year. Please, oh please.

Sometimes people can change. But I'm really starting to think I don't want to. What the hell is wrong with that? I think nothing.

<3 Angela