Sunday, March 10, 2013


Tata! Tata!

I find that things may constantly change, but there is an ever repeating circle of events that keep occurring.

Just like my hair. I think I love what I like. I like what I have for a matter of days and it just keeps repeating. I wonder how different it might be if I only didn't have a job that was so... vanity driven.

My family life is growing! I can't believe all a month can change in your life! Who knows if you're ever ready, ami right?

Well, that's my vicious circle I guess I must endure.

I guess I go sleep now. Tata!

<3 Xo Angela

P.S. Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

And here I lay in my same place again.
Wondering oh, wondering if he is my friend.
While I sit and wait for his breath,
I'll think on the day that we first met.

If this is so true to be,
Let him fall over and kiss me.

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