Tuesday, July 28, 2009


hey! so you're probably wondering, "whats up with this pic?"

well! I'll explain!<

Recently I've been having trouble deciding what i want my hair to look like. (I know it changes so much!) but I'm really indecisive and love to change things up!

SO! what i decided is to be me. For a change I'm not going to be dramatic anymore and I'm going to be more natural, more me, just polished. Not a lot of people know this, but I'm a natural blonde. When people see my natural color they say it looks brown, but being a professional i have to inform you all that I am infact a dark natural ash-y blonde.

You're probably asking yourself, so are you growing out your hair without re-coloring it? TRUE

I will be growing my hair out, which is nothing new, by the way. lol I also will not be touching up my color but infact possibly lightening my hair with highlights then its all natural from there. just highlighting and being a blonde. My goal is to just embrace my natural skintone, eyes and hair. I will be a golden blonde chica!

So my goal is to, in the next 6 months, to be more like me!

I'll post a picture soon of me as a little blonde beachy baby! lol Hope to hear from you soon!



Monday, July 20, 2009


Today is a wonderful day! It beautiful outside, I have the house to myself! I'm going to get some jewelry tonight! whoo hoo!!

My parents are on vacation all week so I have the pleasure of house sitting! whooooo!! haha

Its actually a pretty cool thing. They're on vacation and so am I! Charlie's staying with me this week, he's going to keep me sane cuz everyone knows this house makes too many creeks and noise. I'de definitely be freaking out if I was totally alone!

Haha! well I hope everyone is enjoying the end of their summer! I can't believe July is almost over! oh my gosssh! :)

See ya soon!

TTFN! <3

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The day after that...

SO! Today was an excellent day! Wanna know why? It's only 3 days til my boobooluuuhhhhh comes hooome! eeeeekkkk!!! :D today went SO fast, i started drinking at noon, i didn't get sunburned and the baby came over!!! yayyyy!!! fantastic day!

Hope everyone's 4th of july rocked! everyone was safe, and of course you all partied ur DUPA's off!!

Hope to see you all soon!


<3 Angela

p.s. this pic, if it comes out right, is a blast from the past! eh?

Friday, July 3, 2009

hairs getting long...

Hey Bloggers!

It's the Eve of Independence day! or, the 3rd of July! whooooo!!!

My poor puppies! Tia has been shaking all night and hyperventilating! (don't think i spelled that right!) Even Rocco has been freaking out a little! Weird.

So tomorrow morning me, mom and dad are going to Buchanan, Michigan for REDBUUUUUD! :) Super pumped! Even MORE pumped because Bubba Stewart isn't racing! What a great day it will be! :)

After REDBUUUUD, we're going over to Auntie Karen's and Uncle Mike's for the celebration of 4th of July and, of course, Mana's birthday! I can't even tell you the last time I actually spent the 4th of July with Mana! Super weird.

Fireworks at Glenwoodie will be the end to our 4th of July, which will be really nice but upsetting to see! I love fireworks, but I can't help but think, man, I wish so-and-so was here! This time being Charlie. :(

Anyways! It'll be a fun and dirty day in the sun! Full of white-trashy rednecks and meat-headed men! Whooooo! My favorite! NOT!
My hair's getting so long! i can actually feel it in the wind! :D YAYYYYY!!!
Alrighty bloggers, have a fun and safe 4th! see ya soon!