Monday, July 20, 2009


Today is a wonderful day! It beautiful outside, I have the house to myself! I'm going to get some jewelry tonight! whoo hoo!!

My parents are on vacation all week so I have the pleasure of house sitting! whooooo!! haha

Its actually a pretty cool thing. They're on vacation and so am I! Charlie's staying with me this week, he's going to keep me sane cuz everyone knows this house makes too many creeks and noise. I'de definitely be freaking out if I was totally alone!

Haha! well I hope everyone is enjoying the end of their summer! I can't believe July is almost over! oh my gosssh! :)

See ya soon!

TTFN! <3


  1. Woohoo house to yourself!! Angela I miss you sooo much!! 2 more weeks then I am coming home. Can't wait to tell stories and show pictures! Saturday August 8th I come home, I have to go to a wedding. I am going to have my mom call and maybe make an appointment for you to do my makeup that day?? I want to look pretty for Dan, I am taking him :) I miss you girlie! Can't wait to see you again.

    Miss and Love

  2. ahhh!! 2 weeks is nothing!! crazy! ur mom actually just asked me if i was workiing on the 8th. i have 2 clients in the morning but i cant defffinitely squeeze you in, anyyytime!

    hope dan is doing good and i hope ur having a blast! ahhh!!! come back tan! lol :)

    love and miss!

  3. Alright so I don't know what time you are doing my moms hair but the wedding is at 3pm. So maybe you can squeeze me in before then???

    Thank you soo much!


    Miss and Love,


  4. ill look at my books tomorrow! i have a suuuuper crazy day but ill probably finish a little early or i can do you before ur mom or something! ill figure it out! see you soooon! ahhh!!

