Friday, March 18, 2011

2 months?! ALREADY?!

Holy cow!! I'm alive people, let me just start out saying that. I'm alive and well and sorry to say it, neglecting the inter-webs.

SO lets catch you up on my life! YAYYY!! :D

Me and Charlie are happily dating again. That "happily" is very important. Things are going good, and we are taking things slow and day by day. Working on multiple things every day to be a happily dating couple! YAY!

Work has been FABULOUS. As much as I sometimes want to shoot myself in the face with some of these people that would only hope that I can change their face, I do resist the shooting. So thats a plus.

I'm currently a vegetarian again! That is a big HOORAY!! for me! For about 5 years on and off I have been a veggie girl and I can't say I have ever felt so good. Although, I do feel like me being a vegetarian in my family is a humongous contradiction/ ironic. I have to say, I'm pretty happy and proud with myself, as a side note. :D

If you're wondering what the whole Natalie Portman thing is all about, I'll just tell you she is amazing. Incredibly talented, famous, gorgeous and VEGETARIAN! :D She is my inspirational/ motivational leader! I've never stuck to a regimen like this, if you want to call it that, in my life. My whole outlook on food is completely different and I have never felt healthier. I can do so much without having to deal with a "food coma." Hey, even Charlie is taking on this fun new thing. Trying tofu and veggie burgers! How fun to have someone to share with! :)

Family is doing fantastically, thanks for asking. haha!

I'm just so excited for spring. I can't tell you how fabulous it sounds to hear the birds in the morning. It's so pleasant and relaxing, yet comforting. Don't you think?!

Well, that's all for now!

tata for now!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your life sounds great. I'm so happy for you on so many levels. Love the Charlie and you thing. I thought you had forgotten about your blog. I tend to forget from time to time but have recently been at it again too. Love the nice weather!
