Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I love you, but I really don't.

You know, I feel really bad for the female race. We deal with so much game playing. I'm just glad that there's some decent men in the world still. :D

You know, kids these days...

I have to say, work has been fabulous! Lots of fun things! Lots of people wanting to try new things they've never had before. :D Makes my job super fun and super busy!

If you were wondering, I haven't forgotten about my blog. I just didn't really want to talk about anything. Winter blues. Not a fun time in life. So I decided to skip blogging whenever i wanted. I'm actually kicking myself. I watched one of my favorite shows last night and they were snowboarding. I was mad. I didn't get to go at all this past year. I'm hoping to get out this next year. This could be the last, after all! (2012) I don't really believe in that crap so much, but you never know! Life is too short anyways!

So! As you can tell, I am blonde again! AGAIN! I know, surprise! surprise!! Haha! I actually feel quite chEEry again! :D

You dig? So that's all I have for now. Besides Vegetarian is great! I'm loving it! :)



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