Thursday, November 11, 2010


Tonight, I really don't have a question to answer. I just need to make a few statements.

To start, this month (already) has been stressful. A lot has happened in my personal life. I'm trying very hard to be selfless and compassionate to everyone around me. No one's life is perfect and no one has an easy life.

"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it."

More than ever, this statement has made the most incredible impact on my life. Many people forget what is important in life until something life changing happens to them. It's sad that death, divorce or dismissal is the cause of a life change. I was with a regular client today and she told me about a local man that was on the train, on his way to work that just passed out in front of his wife and was pronounced dead at the hospital. I can't express to people how short life is. I can't stay mad at people. If my life were to end tomorrow, how awful would it be if i was holding a grudge or if a friend was upset with me? To remember me as the last fight we had? What an incredible memory of our relationship. What a burden to bear. How would you live with yourself? You would regret not being able to forgive and forget. Are you going to let SOMETHING STUPID ruin something so special?

Don't be a grudge holder. Let things go. Remember the good, not the bad.

With that said. No one deserves to be disrespected. Be a mature adult. If you're life needs to change, could you be just a little less dramatic? Could you not hang up on them? Could you say goodbye before you slam the door on their face? Could you be a bit more trusting?

Life is supposed to be about the good. If you're life isn't good, maybe you need to do some soul searching.

Take some deep breaths when the day is trying. You may be stressing right now, but look at the big picture.

Enough for today.



  1. This is amazing. Great words.

  2. Ironically, I had a very similar experience today. I was rounding on a patient younger than myself and learned of her tragic life story. All the problems that she has gone through and now with many diseases to show for the rough life she has lived in her short 21 years. I immediately regretted my "petty problems" that I have blown up in my head as they were squashed in comparison to what this girl has to live with everyday.

    I could not agree more with your post today. As I am the one responsible for your previous post about my utter disgust with how woman disrespecting others, I believe your words are very fitting. Life is short. There is no time for drama. Find a way to be happy. Be the bigger person when someone is a jerk. And there is not a time or a place to be disrespectful.

    I love you girlie! Keep writing. And know that there will never be a grudge or any negative thoughts between me and you.

    miss and love

  3. Maybe you should be a song writer. Your words are perfect for a country song!

  4. haha dare to dream! maybe ill just become famous on blogs. lol that would be fun.
