Monday, June 20, 2011

Hello, old friend.

It's been a while! I thought it would be good to update a TAD on my life. It's about time.

SO! Tons of people are home from school. Seems like it's for good too. I really can't complain. I've had about 3 years of bliss. Now don't judge. If you saw my news feed when the end of May hit, you would be WAY EXCITED (sarcasm) to possibly run into some of these people. Well, hey no one is holding a gun to your head! You can leave these suburbs and go FAR FAR away. Not sayin', just sayin'.

On a lighter note, I had a HUGE weekend! Not in a good way, I was actually sick. But I was so bored that I'm actually EXCITED to go back to work! YAYYYY!!! :D I bet my boss is excited too!

Don't worry, I'm getting to the picture. If you can't tell, it's emma watson. I saw this picture in a magazine (i think) and couldnt believe how stunning she looked! Take a girls hair away and WHOA! she's fabulous. Right? So, I might cut my hair like that... Surprise, surprise. I don't know who this photographer is, but they had a great eye. She looks incredible.

Vacation is right around the corner! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I couldn't believe when June hit! Doesn't time fly? When the hair flies! HAHA! Anyone going on any fun trips? I know I am! Up north is for me! My dad is actually considering a new "house" this summer. And by house I mean boat. And by boat I mean an enormous YACHT! haha! It's a tad exaggeration but I'm pumped never the less! If he buys this boat, which the odds are looking great, I'll be purchasing a wakeboard as a fun new addition for it! :D

Me and the boyfriend are going up together and I have to say this is a great place for him to go. He's very Irish and pale so the mild temperatures will be right up his alley I think. I don't think we've ever been on a family vacation yet, either. Hmm... very interesting.

Okay, someone explain it to me!! Why is Ke$ha okay with looking like a hobo? Or a trash bag? I get it, you want to try something different, but it's not really great. Try something else. Scary..

On that note, I think I'll watch a movie. I rented Red Riding Hood. Anyone? Anyone? Thoughts?

I'll critique later!



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