Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lipstick, curling irons and wine.

That is what I'm up to right now. Drinking wine, heating up my curling iron and looking for the perfect shade of lipstick. :)

So who's hotter bloggers?

I have to say, I was always a Penelope fan. Since the first time I saw her I couldn't stop thinking that she is GORGEOUS!

Then Ms. Sofia Vergara came on the scene. Well, she was on the scene for a while but she became extremely popular due to the show Modern Family.

If it came down to it. I'de say I'm Team Sofia. :) I have legit reasons. She had cancer. Would you know it? Not really. She actually makes fun of it if you wanna call it that. She knows how to make life funny. We all wish we could be a bit more like that right?

What's the opinion?!

SO I'm still sticking to long hair. It's getting there and I'm finding it hard to keep it when I'm at work. Then I come home and say, "what was I thinking?!" i can't cut this off anymore!!!

Debating in your own head is a challenge. I'm easily persuaded. Shoot me.

Curling time.



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