Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So.. Hold up!

EEEEEE!!!!! What is up! Love love love love loooooove. Love is in the air.

>>---> <3 STRUCK.

I am so loving life right now! :D How are you? Hopefully loving life! :)

My butterflies are back. And in full force. They might be taking full control if I'm not careful. I can't wait to see if he's everything I'm expecting. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. :D

I have nothing to add!!! I have so much excitement in my heart right now. I can't hardly breath. I'm ready to pop at any minute. Just like a balloon. My voice is squeely and I'm ready to burst into laughter and screams at any moment. Hands up! Touch the sky!

I'm higher than a motha... :D


<3 Angela

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Please pay attention. Survival of the fittest.

Well, well, well. Life is just peachy keeeeen. I'm thinking about changing my profession. Going into motivational speaking. Oh, wait. I lied. It's not that. Maybe I should just PRRREEEAACH. That's what blogging is all about right? RIGHT?!

I did it again. I cut off the hair. Lets just address the white elephant in the room. HA! Can you blame a sista? It's hot up in these streets. I'm not exaggerating. It's really really hot out here. I needed to get rid of some bad thoughts. Needed to start fresh. Some times you need to do that. It's good for the soul to start a new era.

I went on a date! :) Well, I don't know if you would consider it a "blind date" but it was "online inspired." :D I had a lot of fun. We talked for hours and definitely have a lot in common. Even if we don't end up together, I could definitely see him in my life for a long time. They definitely can pick em. Good thing.

I have officially started to tan this summer! Usually, I'm so white and pale I just burn and burn. That SPF 15 is really doin' my body good. I got a little crispy I want to say Memorial Day weekend, but other than that, not at all anymore.

Everyone enjoying their summer thus far? It's almost mid-june. Where does time go? Out the window, apparently.

I hadn't blogged in a hot minute, but I don't have much to say anymore. I guess things could be better, could be worse. But I try not to dwell on the bad. Or even worry for that matter. I worry about me. Forget just about everyone else. Making myself happy was probably my best life decision, yet. Happiness is something you have to work for. Which, is one of the hardest things to accomplish sometimes. Life is always going to challenge you. They should put that in the dictionary. Haha!

I go now. Sleepy time. :D


You don't talk. You don't say nothin'.