Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So.. Hold up!

EEEEEE!!!!! What is up! Love love love love loooooove. Love is in the air.

>>---> <3 STRUCK.

I am so loving life right now! :D How are you? Hopefully loving life! :)

My butterflies are back. And in full force. They might be taking full control if I'm not careful. I can't wait to see if he's everything I'm expecting. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. :D

I have nothing to add!!! I have so much excitement in my heart right now. I can't hardly breath. I'm ready to pop at any minute. Just like a balloon. My voice is squeely and I'm ready to burst into laughter and screams at any moment. Hands up! Touch the sky!

I'm higher than a motha... :D


<3 Angela

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