Friday, November 30, 2012

Angel *

So. What's too fast?
Having sex on the first date?
Going 60 in a 30?
Getting married after 6 months?

Really, who is to judge, ami right?

It all opinion anyways.

I had a life changing experience. And I am happy about that. :) It is definitely going to take some time to getting used to. NO, I'm not pregnant. And NO, I'm not engaged or married.
But, love is... wonderful. Inspiring. Reassuring.
Who knows what the word is. You can't even really define it.

But I feel... elated. Like I have a best friend. Someone who I can sit in complete silence with and still smile and giggle to myself.
Hey, don't be hatin'.

Something big is coming. I can feel it. I'm trying so hard to find it and creating all this build up. Then, I'm not so much let down, but still waiting for it. Something big is brewing!

So, I go to bed now. I'll dream of all the amazing things it could be. :D

Chains of love got a hold on me.

<3 Angela

Monday, November 26, 2012

Extreme Extremes.

Ah... I have found the source of life problems. I have found that extremes will kill your goals.

Don't force things. Don't think that cutting something out completely will solve your problems. Don't eat just meat. Don't not eat sugar. Live in the middle. Get your fix but don't be a hog. Life is all about balance, apparently.

If none of you have known, I sometimes have some anxiety. I get in my head and start to think and think and think. I put myself in anxiety filled situations. So when I know that the plans I made are coming up soon, I have already thought about it and what will happen and what to expect. Then comes my heart. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP. I feel like completely ditching whatever plan I had and just doing anything but that plan. Anything to get me to relax again.

It is quite an inconvenience, but maybe it's a sign or a gift. My everyday life is so planned. I'm all time and scheduled. Time. What an incredible thing. Maybe the spontaneity of life is missing from mine. Everything happens for a reason, right? Even if I have to suffer, maybe I need to lose control to see the beauty of the situation. It shouldn't be feared. Fear after all, is just something in your head. You create it.

An extreme. Why worry. Don't fear. Live in the now. Because tomorrow is the future. Yesterday was the past. Stay here. Be balanced


I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones.
Enough to make my system blow.