Friday, November 30, 2012

Angel *

So. What's too fast?
Having sex on the first date?
Going 60 in a 30?
Getting married after 6 months?

Really, who is to judge, ami right?

It all opinion anyways.

I had a life changing experience. And I am happy about that. :) It is definitely going to take some time to getting used to. NO, I'm not pregnant. And NO, I'm not engaged or married.
But, love is... wonderful. Inspiring. Reassuring.
Who knows what the word is. You can't even really define it.

But I feel... elated. Like I have a best friend. Someone who I can sit in complete silence with and still smile and giggle to myself.
Hey, don't be hatin'.

Something big is coming. I can feel it. I'm trying so hard to find it and creating all this build up. Then, I'm not so much let down, but still waiting for it. Something big is brewing!

So, I go to bed now. I'll dream of all the amazing things it could be. :D

Chains of love got a hold on me.

<3 Angela

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