Monday, June 29, 2009


Oh man, tonight was way eventful!

I was duking it out! How unbelievably unbelievable!

i cant think of any other words! lol

I love ignorance.


Short and Sweet.

Sushi Mess!

Today is a little busier than yesterday!

I woke up to hearing that my baby, yet again, peed in the house. sigh! Man was I glad I didnt have to clean anything! I've picked up enough poop and puke and whatever else, to last me a lifetime! :)

So today I'm going out for sushi with DJ. YAYYY!!! I haven't had sushi in fooorrreverrr! I haven't seen DJ in forreeverr! I'm so excited for this week! People are coming into town, forth of july!, and lots of fun activities! :)

Summer rocks doesn't it?!!!

I'm going outside now! Time to love this weather! :D

TTFN! TaTa For Now!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Catie's there!!

Just heard from Catie's BLOG!


She's in Australia and loving it! sigh..i wish i was there!

Anywho, Friends from Massachusettes are in town right now so I'm not going to linger.

See ya later Blooooooggggers!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

oooh doo wop! Cry babbyy!!!

Okay, let me just point out that Iggy Pop was once an un-scary man. Haha! I'm watching Cry Baby with Johnny Depp. (LOOVE HIM!) haha! Iggy Pop is in it, he kind of looks normal...weird. haha!

Today was super low-key. I had a few clients, did another awwesome razor cut that was super cute and drastic, loove it. (Didn't cut myself this time.) I went out with Sherry and some of the family to Cilantro which toootally hit the spot! I love cheese, too bad I'm lactose Intolerant! Never would have guessed the way I'm just choking it down everyday! Anywho!

I'm thinking about IMDB-ing all of the Johnny Depp movies and crossing out all the ones that I've seen already. I think I have a pretty good amount of movies on my list. :)

I'm smitten, and enamored. I'll leave it at that!

TTFN! TaTa For Now!



Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The next day...

Today was definitely better than yesterday! Thank god! lol

Well I found out that Johnny Depp was at Gibson's in Chicago! Super cool. Buuuut, I wasn't there. Not super cool. Haha! I also woke up today to some AMAZING dreams. I had many, so i won't even begin to tell!

I also talked to anu banu bananu. Yayyy!! He's coming to town! He's coming to town! I'm so unbelievably excited to see him, I can't wait for a big ol bear hug. What else, I only had one client today but she was super cool. I did a razor cut and it's been a while since I've done one so it was somewhat nerve racking. It came out great! I feel so refreshed! I feel inspired again and so excited to get back into something a little more creative! Of course, I got through the entire cut and when i go to change the blade, **SLIITTTT*, cut my finger. DRAAAG!! haha

Oh my gosh! In 1 week (7 days) Zak (stranger danger) Attack will be here! :) I'm so pumped! It been years! Litterally years!

Well, that's all I cant think about right now, besides Conan rocked tonight and Jimmy Fallon is going to be even better!!! :D Hooorayyy!!!

TTFN! TaTa For Now!!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And then there were none...

Well bloggers, today is a sad day.

My boyfriend of 2 and some years left today. He went to a family reunion 7 hours away. He's going to be there until Saturday, and that's the earliest! *SIGH* I'm on his computer now, his MAC, in his room with the TV on, blaring Dropkick Murphy, pretending he's here. How horrible is it that I can't even see his dog anymore? God I'm attached. I can't help it that I'm used to seeing him everyday and tell him everything. I think I've called him 20 times today, and my texts have been off the wall.

My best friend, who actually is blood, is leaving too. To Australia she goes! So bitter sweet, I completely lost it saying good bye. I love that she's going and I know she's going to have an amazing time, but I can't help that I'm selfish and want the good things in my life. That includes good people, and the ones that I can say are my best friends. Gosh I'm going to miss her!


Well, talk to you later slackers!
