Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And then there were none...

Well bloggers, today is a sad day.

My boyfriend of 2 and some years left today. He went to a family reunion 7 hours away. He's going to be there until Saturday, and that's the earliest! *SIGH* I'm on his computer now, his MAC, in his room with the TV on, blaring Dropkick Murphy, pretending he's here. How horrible is it that I can't even see his dog anymore? God I'm attached. I can't help it that I'm used to seeing him everyday and tell him everything. I think I've called him 20 times today, and my texts have been off the wall.

My best friend, who actually is blood, is leaving too. To Australia she goes! So bitter sweet, I completely lost it saying good bye. I love that she's going and I know she's going to have an amazing time, but I can't help that I'm selfish and want the good things in my life. That includes good people, and the ones that I can say are my best friends. Gosh I'm going to miss her!


Well, talk to you later slackers!


1 comment:

  1. Love that you are blogging!!! Sorry you are going to be missing the ones you love. But, please know that you are loved by many.
