Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The next day...

Today was definitely better than yesterday! Thank god! lol

Well I found out that Johnny Depp was at Gibson's in Chicago! Super cool. Buuuut, I wasn't there. Not super cool. Haha! I also woke up today to some AMAZING dreams. I had many, so i won't even begin to tell!

I also talked to anu banu bananu. Yayyy!! He's coming to town! He's coming to town! I'm so unbelievably excited to see him, I can't wait for a big ol bear hug. What else, I only had one client today but she was super cool. I did a razor cut and it's been a while since I've done one so it was somewhat nerve racking. It came out great! I feel so refreshed! I feel inspired again and so excited to get back into something a little more creative! Of course, I got through the entire cut and when i go to change the blade, **SLIITTTT*, cut my finger. DRAAAG!! haha

Oh my gosh! In 1 week (7 days) Zak (stranger danger) Attack will be here! :) I'm so pumped! It been years! Litterally years!

Well, that's all I cant think about right now, besides Conan rocked tonight and Jimmy Fallon is going to be even better!!! :D Hooorayyy!!!

TTFN! TaTa For Now!!



  1. Johnny Depp is the one that missed out! Sorry to hear you cut your finger. Hope you heal quickly. I love the picture you have posted of yourself. Awesome!!!

  2. haha awww! love you auntie vicki! see ya soooon!! :)
