Thursday, June 25, 2009

oooh doo wop! Cry babbyy!!!

Okay, let me just point out that Iggy Pop was once an un-scary man. Haha! I'm watching Cry Baby with Johnny Depp. (LOOVE HIM!) haha! Iggy Pop is in it, he kind of looks normal...weird. haha!

Today was super low-key. I had a few clients, did another awwesome razor cut that was super cute and drastic, loove it. (Didn't cut myself this time.) I went out with Sherry and some of the family to Cilantro which toootally hit the spot! I love cheese, too bad I'm lactose Intolerant! Never would have guessed the way I'm just choking it down everyday! Anywho!

I'm thinking about IMDB-ing all of the Johnny Depp movies and crossing out all the ones that I've seen already. I think I have a pretty good amount of movies on my list. :)

I'm smitten, and enamored. I'll leave it at that!

TTFN! TaTa For Now!



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