Thursday, April 29, 2010

Updating now!

Hej! Jag heter Angela! Vad heter du?

Varifran kommer du?

It's swedish! YAY! I'm not 100% sure if I told you all that I'm self-teaching! Online, I look up pronunciation and follow each section of learning this incredible language! this says..

Hey! I am called Angela. What are called you?

Where from come you?

Pretty cool, huh? I took latin and spanish in highschool and always loved learning languages! it's just sucha puzzle to decipher! SO my pushups are going good..thanks for asking. Week 2 has been the hardest thus far... its a lot of push ups! so until I can really push through I might be stuck for a little while.. :(

I also cut off all of my hair! yay!! It was soooo damaged that I just couldn't take it anymore! I had to get rid of it! I was so sponge-y and gross! haha..i know. I did somewhat of a survery though and found out most people like me better as a brunette. SO! im going to attempt to stay brunette! wish me luck!! :p

well I don't have much else to update on, besides work is crazy busy! A lot of fancy hair styles this weekend which is very fun and exciting! i kind of hate up-do's but i think after this month, i'll be awesome at them! lol I also am super excited becuz daniel tosh is may 15th!!! were going all the way to dayton, oh and are staying the night! im sooo excited! i can't wait!

anywho. push-ups tonight! ugggghhh!!! haha!



Sunday, April 4, 2010

Updates on days 2 and 3!

Day two.

That was a tough one! i was so sore from the day before it was a nightmare! i made it thru it tho! i did 6,8,6,6 and maxed out on 9! i was way proud of myself. :) Today I'm up against 8,10,7,7 and max out on at least 10. I'm nervous! I'm pretty sick today. The allergies are kicking my ass.

It's actually Easter today. Kind of a fun and un-orthadox day. We went to Coyote Run-Northwoods, which is my brothers new place. (yay) and we had a delicious meal! it was a brunch buffet and they were pretty busy, it was nice to see that. They had everything up my alley. My first plate was breakfast. Haha PLATE! I had a chunk of fritatta, corn beef hash and potato hash, ham, a bit of a pancake, mac n cheese (couldn't resist) and a couple of other things. I also had more of a lunch plate, u'll be happy to know. I had a slice of beef, mac n cheese, roasted veggies, mashed potatos and gravy annnnd i think that was almost everything. Besides all the fruit, dessert and the omlette station i think i had everything. :)

Auntie Karen, Uncle Mike, Dan, Catie and Lauren (boo's g/f) came and joined us there. it was a lovely brunch! -allergies. :(

Well I think I'm going to lie down before I do my push- ups! my head is kind of pumping and my face feels hot so hopefully its just those allergies! :\


tata for now.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 2 (update on day 1)

DAY 2!

I made it! I started the one hundred push-up challenge. I did the exhaustion test (7 push ups was my MAX OUT. Sad) and I did the day 1 work out. 6,6,4,4 and a max which had to be at least 5. SO 5 sets of push-ups a day. Just to clarify My max out for my last set I was able to do 7! BOOOYYAHH!!! :) And I did the normal, manly, plank style push-up. Im not a sissy! I don't use my knees! ahaha!


I'm on day 2 now so today I'm faced with 6,6,8,6 and a max out of at least 7. My pecs are so sore today! what a work out! i can feel it in my legs chest, and especially my abs! It's a great feeling though! i miss getting a great work out. This is definitely a great challenge! I'm supposed to skip days in between workouts but I started on a Thursday so I'll do today (friday) and skip to Sunday. Then I'll start monday, wednesday, friday. 30 minutes a week is easy enough right? 6 weeks? thats nothing! I should look nice and in shape for summer! :)

After this 100 is all said and done I plan on doing the squat challenge! can you imagine? Doing 100 push-ups every workout then doing squats? crazy! I might even move onto the 200 push-up challenge! ahha! then maybe I'll do a marathon (yeah, right!)

Well I won't get all pessimistic, you really never know what you are capable of. Maybe I will do a marathon! :D

Off to do my 5 sets for the day! I'll keep ya updated! ;)



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Guess what Angela got?!

An iMac!!

oh baby! it's way sweet! haha

So i have NOT blogged in over a month, so sad :(

Much has changed and instead of some of the negatives that have happened, i plan on forgetting and moving on! (one of my new years resolutions was to be more positive and to stop worrying about things and holding grudges!)

I've been doing pretty well with that. So! Shia ran the L.A. marathon, super proud of him. He did really good too! :D!

TODAY is day 1.

I decided to do something that I have been DYING to do. Work out, keep up with it, and get back to me.

I am doing... (drum roll) the one hundred push up challenge! I know! I KNOW! scary, right? I did my exhaustion day. I did 7 push-ups. SUPER SAD cuz at one point my brother bet me that I couldn't do 50 in a row without stopping, and I did it. BOOYAH!!! haha well, i guess karma or some other form of back-lash has come full force. :*( I am not about to feel bad about myself though! I did it and published it to make a point that I am starting from scratch and that anyyyyone can do it. I swear I thought all my veins in my forehead were going to explode and then my brains were going to puke out after that. I am exhausted. Super pathetic!

SO it goes like this. You do it in weeks and build from that. I am in the 2nd bracket so I will do 5 sets of push-ups and thats my day one. Today is a Thursday so I think I might have to scrunch some in for the next couple of days. I don't want to really... but I'm committed! Next week, week 2, I'm going to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Thats my plan. I always have time at night to do whatever it is I decide to do..well I never do anything worth that time..stupid TV. My plan is now to do this 3 days a week and build to 100. What a challenge! I should be done in about 6 weeks. After that I plan on maybe doing a 200. WHOA! haha.

Some of you may be asking yourself, Why this challenge? This seems far fetched?

Well Me personally, I love arm workouts. I love feeling the soreness in my arms, i feel accomplished and women have a bad rep. for push-ups and arm workouts. Well I know that I use my arms in my line of work so I think this would benefit from it.

Here are some cool facts about push-ups:

Push ups are not only great for your chest, but do a tremendous job of defining your abs, triceps, shoulders and torso.

If you're looking to develop a great chest and shoulders, you could do much worse than follow along with the hundred push ups plan. Your core strength will also go through the roof too!

To improve your strength, fitness and general health all you need to do is commit about 30 minutes of your time per week.


Well, now I have to go do my 5 sets.

I'll update for the rest of Week 1!!

