Sunday, April 4, 2010

Updates on days 2 and 3!

Day two.

That was a tough one! i was so sore from the day before it was a nightmare! i made it thru it tho! i did 6,8,6,6 and maxed out on 9! i was way proud of myself. :) Today I'm up against 8,10,7,7 and max out on at least 10. I'm nervous! I'm pretty sick today. The allergies are kicking my ass.

It's actually Easter today. Kind of a fun and un-orthadox day. We went to Coyote Run-Northwoods, which is my brothers new place. (yay) and we had a delicious meal! it was a brunch buffet and they were pretty busy, it was nice to see that. They had everything up my alley. My first plate was breakfast. Haha PLATE! I had a chunk of fritatta, corn beef hash and potato hash, ham, a bit of a pancake, mac n cheese (couldn't resist) and a couple of other things. I also had more of a lunch plate, u'll be happy to know. I had a slice of beef, mac n cheese, roasted veggies, mashed potatos and gravy annnnd i think that was almost everything. Besides all the fruit, dessert and the omlette station i think i had everything. :)

Auntie Karen, Uncle Mike, Dan, Catie and Lauren (boo's g/f) came and joined us there. it was a lovely brunch! -allergies. :(

Well I think I'm going to lie down before I do my push- ups! my head is kind of pumping and my face feels hot so hopefully its just those allergies! :\


tata for now.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome! Arms... you are so right, are never a women's good zone. Can't wait to see. I too should start something. I was not kind to myself this past winter. Dreading shorts and especially a swim suit!!! I think I'll start with walking more! Love your blog!
