Thursday, April 29, 2010

Updating now!

Hej! Jag heter Angela! Vad heter du?

Varifran kommer du?

It's swedish! YAY! I'm not 100% sure if I told you all that I'm self-teaching! Online, I look up pronunciation and follow each section of learning this incredible language! this says..

Hey! I am called Angela. What are called you?

Where from come you?

Pretty cool, huh? I took latin and spanish in highschool and always loved learning languages! it's just sucha puzzle to decipher! SO my pushups are going good..thanks for asking. Week 2 has been the hardest thus far... its a lot of push ups! so until I can really push through I might be stuck for a little while.. :(

I also cut off all of my hair! yay!! It was soooo damaged that I just couldn't take it anymore! I had to get rid of it! I was so sponge-y and gross! haha..i know. I did somewhat of a survery though and found out most people like me better as a brunette. SO! im going to attempt to stay brunette! wish me luck!! :p

well I don't have much else to update on, besides work is crazy busy! A lot of fancy hair styles this weekend which is very fun and exciting! i kind of hate up-do's but i think after this month, i'll be awesome at them! lol I also am super excited becuz daniel tosh is may 15th!!! were going all the way to dayton, oh and are staying the night! im sooo excited! i can't wait!

anywho. push-ups tonight! ugggghhh!!! haha!



1 comment:

  1. Love the new do! Yours and mine. :)
    Both your cousins (Scott and Annabelle) just finished super cleaning their rooms. For Annabelle it started with a new lamp - Scott and new alarm clock. My kids are push overs!

    Not sure who Daniel Tosh is? Hope you have fun though.
