Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Guess what Angela got?!

An iMac!!

oh baby! it's way sweet! haha

So i have NOT blogged in over a month, so sad :(

Much has changed and instead of some of the negatives that have happened, i plan on forgetting and moving on! (one of my new years resolutions was to be more positive and to stop worrying about things and holding grudges!)

I've been doing pretty well with that. So! Shia ran the L.A. marathon, super proud of him. He did really good too! :D!

TODAY is day 1.

I decided to do something that I have been DYING to do. Work out, keep up with it, and get back to me.

I am doing... (drum roll) the one hundred push up challenge! I know! I KNOW! scary, right? I did my exhaustion day. I did 7 push-ups. SUPER SAD cuz at one point my brother bet me that I couldn't do 50 in a row without stopping, and I did it. BOOYAH!!! haha well, i guess karma or some other form of back-lash has come full force. :*( I am not about to feel bad about myself though! I did it and published it to make a point that I am starting from scratch and that anyyyyone can do it. I swear I thought all my veins in my forehead were going to explode and then my brains were going to puke out after that. I am exhausted. Super pathetic!

SO it goes like this. You do it in weeks and build from that. I am in the 2nd bracket so I will do 5 sets of push-ups and thats my day one. Today is a Thursday so I think I might have to scrunch some in for the next couple of days. I don't want to really... but I'm committed! Next week, week 2, I'm going to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Thats my plan. I always have time at night to do whatever it is I decide to do..well I never do anything worth that time..stupid TV. My plan is now to do this 3 days a week and build to 100. What a challenge! I should be done in about 6 weeks. After that I plan on maybe doing a 200. WHOA! haha.

Some of you may be asking yourself, Why this challenge? This seems far fetched?

Well Me personally, I love arm workouts. I love feeling the soreness in my arms, i feel accomplished and women have a bad rep. for push-ups and arm workouts. Well I know that I use my arms in my line of work so I think this would benefit from it.

Here are some cool facts about push-ups:

Push ups are not only great for your chest, but do a tremendous job of defining your abs, triceps, shoulders and torso.

If you're looking to develop a great chest and shoulders, you could do much worse than follow along with the hundred push ups plan. Your core strength will also go through the roof too!

To improve your strength, fitness and general health all you need to do is commit about 30 minutes of your time per week.


Well, now I have to go do my 5 sets.

I'll update for the rest of Week 1!!




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