Sunday, August 22, 2010

Love me. Love me.

I found out what my problem is. I can love anyone. I can't ever make up my mind about anything. I can go any which way, so long as its not that way. I'de like to keep it like this now. I feel like me. FINALLY.

Im having so much fun. I went to Chicago for DJ's birthday. We had a fantastic time. We went to the Palmer House Hotel, got all fancied up and went to Wrigleyville to start the night. We went to sluggers. had a fun time in the batting cages, playing games. we went downstairs after and went DAAANCINNNNNG! i love to dance! i got everyone to dance! had a BLAST! lots of sandwiches and bumpin'! i loved it!

After that, we went to Excalibur. It technically wasn't excalibur but it was the same building. We had an amazing time. Drinking and dancing! losing eachother, making fun of people! staring at the go-go dancers!! lol we had a blast! even DJ was dancing! mr...i dont dance! haha yeah okay! ill give you another drink and then we'll dance! :D

What a fun night! That whole sun-rise thing didn't work out. BUT theres always next time! right? i think we made it to 5am then ended up passing out. What a stinky and hot room too! lol

:) life is good. LETS GO SHOPPING TOMORROW! :D




Sunday, August 8, 2010


Here's Kelly from the History Channel's Top Shot. If you haven't been following my blog, I'm obsessed with Top Shot right now. My favorite shooter, Kelly, was eliminated tonight! WAHHH WAHHHH! I'm so upset! I thought for sure he was going to win! What I really thought was the 2 top (in my book, Kelly and Blake) would be the final! When turns out... They were both eliminated tonight! :( I can't believe how much I want to shoot now though! I got my gun card FOREVER ago and just always had to put it off! I'm so excited that my brother has taken me and that I have the option to go with someone else!

So another thing I'm obsessing with is of course, The Kardashians. Look at their fabulous, luscious hair! I just love everything about them! They have real bodies, real conversations and real natural beauty! What is not fabulous about them! I am getting really pumped about the new season!



Tata for now!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Chelsea Dagger!

Chelsea, Chelsea!

Im changing my gears for my blog! you'll be happy to know, I'm happy! Last night I heard from a reality TV celebrity! thats... an oxymoron i think...

So anywho, back to the story. I LOOOOVE Top Shot on the History Channel. Hehe, nerd I know. Well from the GITGO I called that Kelly was gonna win. Note picture above. So i found him on Facebook. Well a fan based one or whatever. So i wrote on it telling everyone he was gonna win. And hes the best shooter Rada Rada RADA. So what happens? He e-mails me on his personal facebook. OHHH YES! He's all "cosmetology, huh? I'm coming thru ur state in a couple days!" OHHH MAN!

I'm seriously typing so fast it was like i've been drinking monster all day. Im cheesing ear to EAR, seriously 2 inches from my computer screen. It really didn't go anywhere. WATCH! He'll end up walking into my salon, wanting a cut and what-not.

So what now? I want to shoot allllll kinds of guns. I'm like, I NEED KNIVES!

That's what I've been up to! Im trying to gather people together so I can go to the burlesque show at the end of august. I'm inviting all of my co-workers which could either be reeeally reallly really good. or really really bad. We'll see! :)


Tata for now!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Im sitting all alone, feeling empty.

Cause I fear I might break
and I fear I can't take it
Tonight I'll lie awake feeling empty

I have a case of the lonely's. The only thing people are doing is complaining. No one's fun. No one wants to do anything. I keep getting blown off. I put effort into things and I don't get anything back. I'm definitely trying to do my own thing but no one follows thru on plans or anything. Thanks for the funk people!

I can feel the pressure
It's getting closer now
We're better off without you
I can feel the pressure
It's getting closer now
We're better off without you

On a lighter note, I got an apology. That was nice. In regards to my last post, I flipped out. It wasn't fun. Hearing something like that, I know a lot of women that would only take it offensively. I shouldn't have went to the worse case on that one. I am a little sensitive tho. Who can blame me?

We did hang out. It was fantastic. I'm not publishing anymore of my fun experiences without pictures so...sorry people! There's something really exciting about talking to this person though. I feel better around him.

I wish there were more people like that...

Well, have you met my friend DJ? He loved being the topic of my blog. So I think I'll add him again. This guy, is honestly someone that ALWAYS makes me smile. My 4th of July could have been incredibly miserable. But me, Ariel and DJ all laughed, and swam in the middle of the night, saw the fireworks did all this fun stuff together. He made my night so much more bareable. I'm kind of sad tho. I wanted to hang with him this weekend but hes gone campin'!

Hey, I would jump on that too. Im jealous... Of his friends! bahahaha! Seriously tho, without my friends I don't know how I would be right now. I don't know who I'de be right now.

Who would I be?

Time to ponder. And sleep. Maybe some lucid dreams are in order! Right Deej?
