Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Im sitting all alone, feeling empty.

Cause I fear I might break
and I fear I can't take it
Tonight I'll lie awake feeling empty

I have a case of the lonely's. The only thing people are doing is complaining. No one's fun. No one wants to do anything. I keep getting blown off. I put effort into things and I don't get anything back. I'm definitely trying to do my own thing but no one follows thru on plans or anything. Thanks for the funk people!

I can feel the pressure
It's getting closer now
We're better off without you
I can feel the pressure
It's getting closer now
We're better off without you

On a lighter note, I got an apology. That was nice. In regards to my last post, I flipped out. It wasn't fun. Hearing something like that, I know a lot of women that would only take it offensively. I shouldn't have went to the worse case on that one. I am a little sensitive tho. Who can blame me?

We did hang out. It was fantastic. I'm not publishing anymore of my fun experiences without pictures so...sorry people! There's something really exciting about talking to this person though. I feel better around him.

I wish there were more people like that...

Well, have you met my friend DJ? He loved being the topic of my blog. So I think I'll add him again. This guy, is honestly someone that ALWAYS makes me smile. My 4th of July could have been incredibly miserable. But me, Ariel and DJ all laughed, and swam in the middle of the night, saw the fireworks did all this fun stuff together. He made my night so much more bareable. I'm kind of sad tho. I wanted to hang with him this weekend but hes gone campin'!

Hey, I would jump on that too. Im jealous... Of his friends! bahahaha! Seriously tho, without my friends I don't know how I would be right now. I don't know who I'de be right now.

Who would I be?

Time to ponder. And sleep. Maybe some lucid dreams are in order! Right Deej?



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