Friday, August 6, 2010

Chelsea Dagger!

Chelsea, Chelsea!

Im changing my gears for my blog! you'll be happy to know, I'm happy! Last night I heard from a reality TV celebrity! thats... an oxymoron i think...

So anywho, back to the story. I LOOOOVE Top Shot on the History Channel. Hehe, nerd I know. Well from the GITGO I called that Kelly was gonna win. Note picture above. So i found him on Facebook. Well a fan based one or whatever. So i wrote on it telling everyone he was gonna win. And hes the best shooter Rada Rada RADA. So what happens? He e-mails me on his personal facebook. OHHH YES! He's all "cosmetology, huh? I'm coming thru ur state in a couple days!" OHHH MAN!

I'm seriously typing so fast it was like i've been drinking monster all day. Im cheesing ear to EAR, seriously 2 inches from my computer screen. It really didn't go anywhere. WATCH! He'll end up walking into my salon, wanting a cut and what-not.

So what now? I want to shoot allllll kinds of guns. I'm like, I NEED KNIVES!

That's what I've been up to! Im trying to gather people together so I can go to the burlesque show at the end of august. I'm inviting all of my co-workers which could either be reeeally reallly really good. or really really bad. We'll see! :)


Tata for now!


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