Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Una lezione di amore.

Does anyone out there take something for granted?

Of course you do. It was rhetorical.

Do you really realize what you had after it's gone?

I'm taking advantage of some things in my life. I'm being selfish and I don't care who it hurts. I can't say that this is something new. It's never been a new concept. My old roots have been stuck in this old habit. No one ever really changes. No one ever changes for someone else.

Why have I been trying to?

Do demons exist? Is it the devil's influence? Is it really a bad thing to live your life? The way you want, at least? Who ever said it was a bad thing to be everywhere at once? My life is full of questions lately.

This is Angela's Thoughts.

My time is what I'm selfish with. That is the answer.

My individuality is being compromised. I'm looking in the mirror and can say I missed me. Some things can be tamed, other things can't. My outlook is changing and being the person I wanted to be isn't in my cards. I have not been myself.

At all. This isn't me. I'm done waving this flag. I'm rationalizing things I would never rationalize. Be the way you want and people will accept this. Or not. But don't try to change for anyone. Don't make excuses for others. They will be what they will.

All of the rationalizing is BULL SHIT. I don't care to deal with that. I know what I know. It is what it is.


All my complaints shrink to nothing
I'm ashamed of all my somethings

A lesson in love.

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