Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Un segreto.

Personally, I love a good love story. Can't seem to get enough of them, lately. My book, French lessons has really been a complete package. A girl in an affair. A girl in affair and a man that wants to be in an affair. Being in a country and society where an affair is very much frowned upon, (i.e. Cheaters) I don't know if my inner European is making me more intrigued with these stories. Honestly can't stop reading em.

Now I'm going to make you think with these questions.

Is all fair in love and war?
Why is an affair bad or good?
Is loyalty dead?
Are we all too selfish or should we be in passion?

We've all heard the phrase "once a cheater, always a cheater." Or how about "have your cake and eat it too." it's funny how these sayings can be interpretted in many situations. Life, love, work. But what is the bottom line to these phrases? Be a good person? Probably.

Is anyone living life as a "good person" everyday? How about morals? Anyone have 'em anymore?

My life has taken a switch. Good? Bad? Who knows. We'll find out. Will I continue to be a good person? I would hope so. At the end of my day I want to be able to think, "that was a great day." All the switches and life changes that are happening are making me a little happier everyday. Starting tomorrow.

I was sick today. boooooo!

Ta-ta for now!


It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear.

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