Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Well, well, well... Things are really starting to shape up. For the good, Claro! I think when you start getting a backbone again, things really start to play out the way you'd like. Standing up for yourself really does have some benefits! Who would've thunk it!

Each day I try to set a mini goal. For the most part, those goals are being met! :D Lots to smile about.

Easter was fantastic! I went to my first Techno concert on Saturday! It was in the City and it was QUITE an interesting/ fun time. I couldn't hear anything for about 2 days, I made a pie Sunday morning and was crocked until my next (brunch) drink. Fantastic weekend! That is what you would call SUCCESS! I've also been late to work everyday so far and slept probably 24 hours over the last 3 days. So... recovering can be rough sometimes. ;)

Now. Now. Now. What have we been talking about lately? Not a clue. Don't you ever get the feeling there's a time and place for everything in life? I do. Especially as of late. I can't help but think I need/needed time for all this reflection! I don't know if you have noticed, but my blogs are becoming more sporadic. It must mean that it's time to start living again. ;) Or! Rather! I have been living!

Getting to the root of who you are is a hard lesson to learn. There's a core, a foundation, all your beliefs and all of your meaning. Your roots are all you need. WELL, you need the rest but your guts and your roots are the most important. You can lose yourself completely but your roots will always bring you back. I thought I was something I wasn't.

Got in touch with someone from my past. Hard lesson. I realized just what I was getting myself into, letting this person back into my life. Your past can shape your roots. Let it be a memory of why you are the way you are.

Everyone that is from your past, deserves to be there. Touche.


Angela <3

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