Tuesday, April 3, 2012

State the Obvious.

Life is too short. Don't waste your time on people that waste your time. Pretty simple, ami right? Of course I am! Why would you put yourself through hell. And back. It's not a question. Just stating the obvious. Really, I can't be the only one who does this face ---> o_O

I am not alone. And I am not aloud to waste more time on people that don't matter. People get so caught up in themselves. Who they're trying to be and who they're trying to impress. Honestly, I hate fakers. Fake your life and everything that comes out of your life is bullshit. The worst thing you can do is act in life. People smell bull shit from very very far away. I smell *sniff sniff* an act.

What happened to the positive people? Is anyone honestly giving the outsider a chance? No. Probably not. They're too stuck on their friends and who will judge them. Don't judge, don't be judged. No one can do that. Only God Can Judge Me. Stick to that!

Who do you live for? Think about that every time you get consumed in someone's gossip. Who cares. Stay out of it.

So. Sticking to the get in touch with nature thing everyday. Usually, I try to sit outside on my deck for 20-30 minutes every morning. Such a relaxing thing hearing the birds and watching the sun move. Incredible thing seeing the world change minute by minute. It's such an amazing thing to really appreciate the world we live in. I know that's not the scientific thing. But really, it's as if the sun moves, being here.

Anyone star gazed lately? You should. You're missing out. I can't believe how bright the stars and moon have been! It's been so clear! Get outside and check out how amazing the world really is! You'd be surprised how much you really love it. Even people like me, (with awful allergies/sinus') can really appreciate all this beauty.

Well! TTFN!


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