Thursday, April 19, 2012

Push and Pull.

How amazing. Love can make all the difference in the world.

I had an awful day the other day. I was so fed up with everyone's attitude. Everyone was being so negative and I was worn out. I got annoyed and pissed off. I wanted to run to my car and go for a drive for hours. Just get away from everyone and their comments. I started to pour a cocktail. I was making a mixed drink. So I poured my whiskey first. I went to the 2 liter and WHIPPED it open, of course I was angry. The pop exploded all over my face and chest. I couldn't even react I just let it spray all over me.

I decided that was my sign. I started laughing hysterically at myself and how angry I was. Then this amazingly funny thing happened to me. No one saw it and I so badly wish someone did. I laughed the whole time while I cleaned up the soda on the floor. When I took my shower, I so smiled and still chuckled at how rediculously angry I was. It was so flipped and just incredible.

I need more reminders like that. Reminders to stay calm. Not to get too high strung. Life goes on. Don't lose your patience! :D


Angela <3

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