Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fat lip.

Don't count on me. Cause I'm not listenin'.

Don't wanna waste my time. Wasting on you. How pathetic to waste time on one person. They're not that special. Who is worth your time? Your real friends and family.

Vacation is in order! Too bad its WEEKS away. Right?

Ugh. Why does everything have to be with TIME?! Time ruins and MAKES everything. Why is time so important.

I guess it really depends on the day and person to go on a rant like this.

I just cracked my mouse. Killing a spider. Unbelievable. Good thing it's just a little shatter. :)

So as much as I love to be low- maintenance and have an un-glamourous day here and there. Can't help but look in the mirror on those days and yelp a tad at the fact that I am not a beautiful as I can be. I so love my glamourous looks and sharp dressed self. Love my eye liner and contour. MmMmmMmm.. good stuff. I guess beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. :) right? I so thought I would be able to pull off this whole low maintenance, hippie look. No way. I guess I have to go back to the old me. With that dark hair and sweeping eye liner. :D good stuff!

On that note! Bath time! yay!! Bubbles are in order! :)



Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Voices can make someone's day. One ruined mine today. I'm pretty sure my heart literally STOPPED for at least 4 seconds. Choking, a gasp for air. Yep, that happened. What? It happens, right?

How stunning is this chick? I think I have a girl crush. She is probably one of the coolest people I've ever seen. Every one of her interviews I had to wonder, holy cow, I think she's like a long lost sister of mine. We seem a lot alike. Who knows though, maybe she's the complete opposite. She is an actress after all.

I just love any actress that doesn't want to fit any kind of mold. They like who they are and how they look. I wish most girls/women were like that. We always put ourselves down. Such a shame. We need to lift each other up! Don't you think?

Whoa. I did a shot and I can feel the relaxation running through me. Yay! Happiness joins!

Hm... I thought I had more to blog about. But! Guess not. Oh well, it's best I crash anyways! :)



Monday, May 14, 2012

Bien Bien.

What a day it has been. I have seen so much happiness in my weekends. I can hardly take the heartbreak anymore. Only a flicker of my heart makes me realize it was still there. I can't believe how much you can think about something. Over and over in your head. It will drive you nuts.

The worst part is the one after. Not the ex.


My new thing is finding hobbies. If you stay out of your head, you won't worry, stress or get depressed. Who would have thunk it. Keeping busy will keep your mind busy. My current goals are getting my body back. I so much just put me on the back-burner for so long. You tend to lose track of whats important. But hey! Now you know! Live and learn right! Now I'll be using exercise as therapy.

It's so under-used, exercise I mean. Total shame.

Who's excited about Breaking Bad? I can't believe it's back soon! I'm freakin' out! I can't express the obsession I have with this show. What is the best part? hm... Aaron. I think thats my answer? If you don't watch, you are missing out in a big way. The first episode grabs you. If you decide to watch the controversial yet captivating story of a chemistry teacher with lung cancer, turn meth cook becomes a total bad ass and takes out many people to get to the top including the main honcho, you won't be disappointed.

I just gave away a lot of the plot. Sorry. Well, not really. It's an incredible show with an amazing cast.

Well, I think I'll google some things, then probably bathe. I wore jean shorts today with unshaved legs. I feel very... rebellious yet dirty.

OH! I rollerbladed for an hour today! Google how good rollerblading is for you. It might persuade you to do some skating this summer! :)



Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Do it, or what?

Well hello, bloggers!

Long time no chat! Way over-due if I do say so myself.

Many new things have come my way.

I've had an emotional breakdown, a ton of changes, travelled, committed to a double date! I am quite the go-getter! ? Maybe... sorta.

Anywho! I have become quite a superstitious person (again) lately. I have so very much been seeing many signs/omens if you believe in any of that. I definitely do. I recently started reading into different stones and their symbology or healing powers. Very bazaar to think that a stone can calm you. But really, it may be a placebo, or maybe its not.

Other things, have you ever looked into your dreams? For the longest time, I was having tornado dreams. I was driving next to a tornado, trying to out run it on foot or car. Very.. terrifying. Not fun to wake up after running and stressing in your sleep.

I have gone back to my roots of what I really love. I love movies, books, good drinks and food. I love this and that. It has brought me back to what's important in my life. Maybe the combination of going on a vacation helped a little too. I am important. A lack of confidence has really hurt me the last few months. Well, it's been... 6? months now. So hey. About fricken time. Everyone has their phases. *Shrugs*

I was liking this whole new blogger thing. But now I'm realizing I can't separate my thoughts. It's not allowing me to space. BOGUS. Boycott.

I should go bathe anyhow. Maybe that's my sign to sign out. So I will!



P.S. Fixed it!! YEAH! BOOYAH!