Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Do it, or what?

Well hello, bloggers!

Long time no chat! Way over-due if I do say so myself.

Many new things have come my way.

I've had an emotional breakdown, a ton of changes, travelled, committed to a double date! I am quite the go-getter! ? Maybe... sorta.

Anywho! I have become quite a superstitious person (again) lately. I have so very much been seeing many signs/omens if you believe in any of that. I definitely do. I recently started reading into different stones and their symbology or healing powers. Very bazaar to think that a stone can calm you. But really, it may be a placebo, or maybe its not.

Other things, have you ever looked into your dreams? For the longest time, I was having tornado dreams. I was driving next to a tornado, trying to out run it on foot or car. Very.. terrifying. Not fun to wake up after running and stressing in your sleep.

I have gone back to my roots of what I really love. I love movies, books, good drinks and food. I love this and that. It has brought me back to what's important in my life. Maybe the combination of going on a vacation helped a little too. I am important. A lack of confidence has really hurt me the last few months. Well, it's been... 6? months now. So hey. About fricken time. Everyone has their phases. *Shrugs*

I was liking this whole new blogger thing. But now I'm realizing I can't separate my thoughts. It's not allowing me to space. BOGUS. Boycott.

I should go bathe anyhow. Maybe that's my sign to sign out. So I will!



P.S. Fixed it!! YEAH! BOOYAH!

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