Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fat lip.

Don't count on me. Cause I'm not listenin'.

Don't wanna waste my time. Wasting on you. How pathetic to waste time on one person. They're not that special. Who is worth your time? Your real friends and family.

Vacation is in order! Too bad its WEEKS away. Right?

Ugh. Why does everything have to be with TIME?! Time ruins and MAKES everything. Why is time so important.

I guess it really depends on the day and person to go on a rant like this.

I just cracked my mouse. Killing a spider. Unbelievable. Good thing it's just a little shatter. :)

So as much as I love to be low- maintenance and have an un-glamourous day here and there. Can't help but look in the mirror on those days and yelp a tad at the fact that I am not a beautiful as I can be. I so love my glamourous looks and sharp dressed self. Love my eye liner and contour. MmMmmMmm.. good stuff. I guess beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. :) right? I so thought I would be able to pull off this whole low maintenance, hippie look. No way. I guess I have to go back to the old me. With that dark hair and sweeping eye liner. :D good stuff!

On that note! Bath time! yay!! Bubbles are in order! :)



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