Thursday, June 24, 2010

Love Letters

Love letters on wet paper.
Forgivers, no takers.
An angel who never got wings.
You find Jesus, and It's too late.
He's already closed the front gate.
And the signs flashing no vacancy.

My New York trip is tomorrow! I can't believe how fast it snuck up on me! This weekend will really test what I'm made of. A plane ride. I've only been on one trip where I've had to fly and it was to Jamaica. So alone, I'm flying. Wish me luck. I'de rather not show up to New York a drunk mess. ;) I'm going for a wedding if you haven't been following along. I have the rehearsal that I apparently have to go to. Then the wedding is Saturday. I didn't even think, What will I do when I'm not at the wedding? Well, I guess i can go run? That sounds fun, huh? They have a full gym. And since I didn't run hardly at all this week, it'll probably be pretty difficult but it'll keep me busy. HOORAH! Then I am driving home. Which is great, NOT. 10 or so hours. fun. shoot me.

I figure we can swap around cars anyhow. So if I get really annoyed I can just swap. SWEET.

I am bringing headphones, ear plus, and books. Many of them. Wish me luck!

Don't you just love this pic? I love my babies.



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You love me?

I've had some rough weeks. Someone is back in my life. I don't really know anymore!

And you said, yes.

you should've said NO.

I don't know what I want to say. At all. I like this. :D

Friday, June 11, 2010

...talks to me, I laugh cuz its just so funny.

I decided. I guess? I will go through with the road trip back home. I'm bringing books, dvd's and earplugs. I can do it.

I can't stress to you enough how much I love country music in my life. It just makes me feel happier. Any time i listen to it I instantly feel like a better person. It makes me sooo--> happy. I watched some of the cmt awards today and i LOVED them. Although I think they were having technical problems (some of the mic's weren't working) they still throw a fantastic show!

I went to the Tractor Supply Company store. Oh man. I had too much fun in that store. I went for boots (line dancing is my new favorite weekend activity) and they didn't end up having a good selection but they had an amazing selection of other things. I got a new Jon Deere hat, a new belt, some sweet chicken poop lip balm. lol does not contain poop. :)

I cant even see. Anyone when he's with me.
Oh boy. I'm getting to all the sad songs with country music! uhh ohhh!! tears are coming!! no no no! lol

I gotta go to bed. Long day tomorrow. Work, then play. (line dancing)

yayy!! :)


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Boys like blondes, men like brunettes.

Where's the redheads in that saying? I'm not complaining. But, I'm frequently red and I can't seem to figure out who like us? lol we'll say the women, they envy us. ;)

Well! I have some busy days ahead of me! Im going to New York in a matter of days! And im seriously considering taking a flight home. I'm flying there and im supposed to be driving back with char and friends. im impatient so im realllllly considering. Getting home in an hour 1/2 or driving home for 10-15 hrs. whooooo...tough call. I might just need to hope on a plain.

I can get a flight for around $150. and consider I paid only $80 for my flight there, I'm not really worried about shouting out another $150. What do you think? too much? but then again, i will have to listen to sound effects and stupid jokes/ stinky boys. hmmm... weighing this out...weighing...

i think im decided. :/

Money here, money there. But you'll always get more. :)


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ohhh Dean! You're just so dreamy! I wish you could sing to me and make everything in life disappear. Well, maybe he does make everything better. He always makes me forget about my day, well forget whatever is on my mind. I just listen to the music and enjoy it. How could you NOT enjoy velvet to listen to?


She's got both hands
in her pockets.
And she wont look at you,
Won't look at you

My problems aren't solved, but things were a little easier today. Of course, I didn't have anything to worry about. I stayed busy all day and didn't think a lot. I had stimulation in the brain all day. Sometimes busy work is all you need. My insomnia is (kind of) back. Maybe it's just thoughts keeping me up... could be? I've been having pretty amazing dreams lately. I think it might have some symbolic meaning to it. Which is fantastic because I would looove to have some of that come true.

I need to go perfume shopping. I'm kind of upset that my signature scent is gone. Really used a lot of my fave pretty fast. Maybe i'll get something new for summer. I really like water scents. Like cool water. Maybe ill get that. Any suggestions?

I know that we are young.
And I know you may love me.
But I just can't be with you like this anymore...

Whatta life...

Time to try to sleep.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To myself.

I've been writing to myself lately. I guess you can call it a diary. Sending e-mails back and forth, enjoying it too. Back and forth back and forth back and forth with this fricken mind!!

I stay wrecked and jealous for this.
For this simple reason
I just need to keep you in mind
As something larger than life.

I guess you can call my mental state is in a wreckage. Is that the word? I have no idea. I'm reading things all over the internet (never a good idea for me) that I know and have known for.. my entire life...? I'm looking for a solution and I know the answer to it. I've always known the answer, DUH! I can't really act on my answer though. Which is frustrating, nauseating, and honestly It might be the death of me.

Why can't I feel anything from
Anyone other than you
. ?

Demi. Love her. I'm on a Demi kick.

I went to a true blood event for huge trueblood fans. Which was fun, but nothing special. I loved all the free merch. :)

I've had a breath of fresh air. I don't know if it's fresh, I really don't. But it feels like me. And I feel happy. Maybe my solution and happiness depends on it. As if me running, (funny, I run now.) wasn't enough fresh air. But it's not. I think running is keeping me sane right now. Maybe I need to surround myself with people that know me. I'm starting to doubt myself and what I really know. I've forgot so much about myself and I can't be too surprised to hear all the fun things about me. I like me. I'm trying to keep my mind here. Right now in the moment I'm in.

I'm happy. Finally.