Thursday, June 24, 2010

Love Letters

Love letters on wet paper.
Forgivers, no takers.
An angel who never got wings.
You find Jesus, and It's too late.
He's already closed the front gate.
And the signs flashing no vacancy.

My New York trip is tomorrow! I can't believe how fast it snuck up on me! This weekend will really test what I'm made of. A plane ride. I've only been on one trip where I've had to fly and it was to Jamaica. So alone, I'm flying. Wish me luck. I'de rather not show up to New York a drunk mess. ;) I'm going for a wedding if you haven't been following along. I have the rehearsal that I apparently have to go to. Then the wedding is Saturday. I didn't even think, What will I do when I'm not at the wedding? Well, I guess i can go run? That sounds fun, huh? They have a full gym. And since I didn't run hardly at all this week, it'll probably be pretty difficult but it'll keep me busy. HOORAH! Then I am driving home. Which is great, NOT. 10 or so hours. fun. shoot me.

I figure we can swap around cars anyhow. So if I get really annoyed I can just swap. SWEET.

I am bringing headphones, ear plus, and books. Many of them. Wish me luck!

Don't you just love this pic? I love my babies.



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