Thursday, November 11, 2010


Tonight, I really don't have a question to answer. I just need to make a few statements.

To start, this month (already) has been stressful. A lot has happened in my personal life. I'm trying very hard to be selfless and compassionate to everyone around me. No one's life is perfect and no one has an easy life.

"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it."

More than ever, this statement has made the most incredible impact on my life. Many people forget what is important in life until something life changing happens to them. It's sad that death, divorce or dismissal is the cause of a life change. I was with a regular client today and she told me about a local man that was on the train, on his way to work that just passed out in front of his wife and was pronounced dead at the hospital. I can't express to people how short life is. I can't stay mad at people. If my life were to end tomorrow, how awful would it be if i was holding a grudge or if a friend was upset with me? To remember me as the last fight we had? What an incredible memory of our relationship. What a burden to bear. How would you live with yourself? You would regret not being able to forgive and forget. Are you going to let SOMETHING STUPID ruin something so special?

Don't be a grudge holder. Let things go. Remember the good, not the bad.

With that said. No one deserves to be disrespected. Be a mature adult. If you're life needs to change, could you be just a little less dramatic? Could you not hang up on them? Could you say goodbye before you slam the door on their face? Could you be a bit more trusting?

Life is supposed to be about the good. If you're life isn't good, maybe you need to do some soul searching.

Take some deep breaths when the day is trying. You may be stressing right now, but look at the big picture.

Enough for today.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


"Why must every female cock an attitude, try to shove some sort of superiority over everyone else, and then get offended beyond belief when you don't treat them like God personally came down from Heaven to tell them they are wonderful. Why must women go out of their way to put down others to make them feel better about themselves?"

I saw this as a status today and commented on it and it turned into my blog question of the day. SWEET! :D

Women have egos. I work with about 15 women and all of them think that just because they have a position where they are needed or if there job seems "secure" than they think that they are some GOD. Almighty. Divine. Heavenly. What ever adjective you want to use. I know everyone has seniority over someone else but theres no excuse to be treated like crap. As much as we want to believe it, hazing can be the simplest thing. Giving attitude, pulling pranks etc. But it's no excuse. Everyone should be treated like a human being.

What is so ironic is: most women would be nothing without their "posse." I can't tell you how many people that I work with that get this huge attitude or look down on you when they're with their clique

In every work place, play place or furthermore, theres always going to be some form of mafia. Sad to say but women are like a pack of dogs. BITCHES. Territorial, cold and just bitchy. They stick with their own and make people work for respect. Which is sad. Its segregating really.

I fear for the new girl at every new job. I feel bad for them. Which should only teach you...

"You should be nice to everyone you see. You never know who is going to shoot up the place. I want to be the person he lets go because i gave him a candy bar and smiled at him once."

Not saying you should shoot up places. Just saying you never know who is going to SNAP and you never know who will come back into your life or be an amazing networking tool.

Just Sayin'. ;)

Hope these words help the new girls at work/school/ fun places. You really are an amazing person :D


tata for now!

<3 Angela

p.s. check out my buddies art! :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Red is so hot right now.

SO. I'm an impulse hair colorer. Just want to make that clear. I woke up and decided on a whim that i couldn't STAND my hair any longer. My day started too early. I had a full day of clients and finished the day with an hr to spare so i decided hey! lets do red! sweet, huh? its just a vicious cycle that goes on and on. blonde redish red dark brown. start it all over again. Hey, one day I'll figure it out. I will say tho, with my skin tone, red is by far my favorite! yeah?

Im waiting on a question from Pauly. Pauly Arrivo, my McLovin look-a-like is going to ask me a question about women so that i can blog about it. To pass time I guess I'll talk about Pauly. He JUST gave me a massage on Monday. I think it's so cool to about hear men in the spa/salon industry. We kind of need more of em in my opinion. The massage was great! I couldn't help but laugh tho. He's definitely goofy. I mean that in the best way. Haha! :)

okay SO!

"Whats up with women that stay in relationships were its just so very clear that the mans intentions aren't really for the both of them but merely for his gain?"

Just got this from Paul. EXCELLENT QUESTION. I'm so glad you asked. I honestly don't see the real reason either Paul. I can tell you my theory. Self-esteem. I believe women have self-esteem issues. I think that most women all have some "thing." Whether it's one thing or 10 things, we have an issue. Most men can compliment women really well, they might not mean it but we want to believe it. I think from the rest of your e-mail that you're getting at some "you can do much better than HIM" type of thing. I would agree with you. Most women can do better. But most women don't think they can. I think like men and women, we all try to find the best thing but end up settling. We think, oh! it's not that baaad. He's not that baaad. He's just a rebel and is being goofy. Women will find any excuse in the world to make it work.

Personally, not to bash my own sex, but women suck. I don't understand them at all. They want the drama, they feed off of it. They want to feel needed and they want to feel good about themselves 99.9% of the time. If a guy can do that 50% of the time they just settle on that.

Yes, we think we can change a man. Women will try everything in the book to try to have the perfect guy. Call it what you want (ie crack the whip) but women think they can change or train any person that comes into their lives.

I hope that answered some of your question, Pauly. The more I'm around women, the more I'm baffled. But I will say, if you're a great guy, a great person will find you. You just can't settle and you have to be happy.

For now, I'll leave you with that.




Tuesday, November 2, 2010

12 am?!

MAN! I have been such an idiot about sleep lately. so anyways.

Today I bought red shampoo and conditioner... i know. i know. im kind of a moron with my hair. I recently went blonde (er) and cant help but HATE the color so i decided, hey! Why don't i use a shampoo and conditioner that will deposit some color... simple enough, right? Well, I hope so! :/

I have a NEW obsessioooooon! guess who?! guess who!? KATHY, DUH!! I can't get enough of her stand-up lately! i reallllly need to get on that reality show of hers! I've seen a bit but not the full seasons. have you seen any?

My question of the day: Do women think about their EX's?

Answer: Definitely. We don't necessarily compare you to the EX... well I take that back. Yeah, we kind of do that too. Yeah, were pretty judgmental and we can be pretty harsh about it. We're not going to think about our EX constantly but we want the bigger better thing. We want everything to be better than our last experience. SO please! Please! Please! Don't worry about our EX, we just want to be treated right. Wouldn't you?

Now I go to sleep. I need to be up in like 6 hours. sooo I better get on that beauty sleep. :/




Jealousy is a bitch.

Not saying I'm the jealous one PEOPLE! DUH!

I've been reading so much CRAP on the internet about women. I'm pretty much sick of it. PRETTY MUCH. I hate seeing articles, lists etc. about women needing to listen to men. I gotta tell ya men, you're not doing women any favors. It's a little more offensive writing lists for women to read. But then again, you are black and white. Offended?

Ever think, "Why does every chick I talk to OBSESSED with vampires? Why do women expect me to give a crap? Justin Bieber, he's 12, how the hell can they find him attractive?"

SO randomly, I'm going to answer questions EVERY time I blog. I think I'm up to the challenge.

To answer that MOST important question: Justin Bieber sings song about love. More in specific, he sings songs about being in love with a girl, making him vulnerable making him UTTERLY charming and adorable. Sorry men, theres something wonderful about a boy/guy/man that can confess love to a woman. (He dances too. Just a side note.) He performs for women/ girls. He's basically what every girl/woman wants. IM SO SORRY, you don't dance and you want to play games. Guess what, we're not Connect 4. We're not a game.

Recently, I've heard too many men complaining about women not giving them a chance. And it's the "BAD MEN" that make them look bad. Okay, seriously stop blaming other people. Instead of sitting or "vegging" on your ass, actually try. Yeah, that means you have to make and effort. It's giving you a bad rep to sit online and post crap all over that girls facebook. YES! WE GET IT, I'm newly single and you like the way I dress. But I've never met you before so I don't care how nice of a guy you are. You're still trying to hook up with me VIA facebook. Anyone can type. Can you look me in the eye and ask me a question?

More on the game playing subject. Women are serious 75% of the time. Not that we want to be but we want to believe that you're being honest with us. So if you were to say, "I'll call you." We'll expect it. Or we won't expect it because of the "bad man."

I'm really annoyed with talking about this over and over again. So I'm going to leave it with this.

CAUTION: Recently single women are dangerous. If you walk into this explosion of "tenderness" expect the flames.

If you can't understand that, you'll never understand women.


Tata for now.


P.S. This rant only begins. JUST SAYYYENNNN.