Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Red is so hot right now.

SO. I'm an impulse hair colorer. Just want to make that clear. I woke up and decided on a whim that i couldn't STAND my hair any longer. My day started too early. I had a full day of clients and finished the day with an hr to spare so i decided hey! lets do red! sweet, huh? its just a vicious cycle that goes on and on. blonde redish red dark brown. start it all over again. Hey, one day I'll figure it out. I will say tho, with my skin tone, red is by far my favorite! yeah?

Im waiting on a question from Pauly. Pauly Arrivo, my McLovin look-a-like is going to ask me a question about women so that i can blog about it. To pass time I guess I'll talk about Pauly. He JUST gave me a massage on Monday. I think it's so cool to about hear men in the spa/salon industry. We kind of need more of em in my opinion. The massage was great! I couldn't help but laugh tho. He's definitely goofy. I mean that in the best way. Haha! :)

okay SO!

"Whats up with women that stay in relationships were its just so very clear that the mans intentions aren't really for the both of them but merely for his gain?"

Just got this from Paul. EXCELLENT QUESTION. I'm so glad you asked. I honestly don't see the real reason either Paul. I can tell you my theory. Self-esteem. I believe women have self-esteem issues. I think that most women all have some "thing." Whether it's one thing or 10 things, we have an issue. Most men can compliment women really well, they might not mean it but we want to believe it. I think from the rest of your e-mail that you're getting at some "you can do much better than HIM" type of thing. I would agree with you. Most women can do better. But most women don't think they can. I think like men and women, we all try to find the best thing but end up settling. We think, oh! it's not that baaad. He's not that baaad. He's just a rebel and is being goofy. Women will find any excuse in the world to make it work.

Personally, not to bash my own sex, but women suck. I don't understand them at all. They want the drama, they feed off of it. They want to feel needed and they want to feel good about themselves 99.9% of the time. If a guy can do that 50% of the time they just settle on that.

Yes, we think we can change a man. Women will try everything in the book to try to have the perfect guy. Call it what you want (ie crack the whip) but women think they can change or train any person that comes into their lives.

I hope that answered some of your question, Pauly. The more I'm around women, the more I'm baffled. But I will say, if you're a great guy, a great person will find you. You just can't settle and you have to be happy.

For now, I'll leave you with that.




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