Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jealousy is a bitch.

Not saying I'm the jealous one PEOPLE! DUH!

I've been reading so much CRAP on the internet about women. I'm pretty much sick of it. PRETTY MUCH. I hate seeing articles, lists etc. about women needing to listen to men. I gotta tell ya men, you're not doing women any favors. It's a little more offensive writing lists for women to read. But then again, you are black and white. Offended?

Ever think, "Why does every chick I talk to OBSESSED with vampires? Why do women expect me to give a crap? Justin Bieber, he's 12, how the hell can they find him attractive?"

SO randomly, I'm going to answer questions EVERY time I blog. I think I'm up to the challenge.

To answer that MOST important question: Justin Bieber sings song about love. More in specific, he sings songs about being in love with a girl, making him vulnerable making him UTTERLY charming and adorable. Sorry men, theres something wonderful about a boy/guy/man that can confess love to a woman. (He dances too. Just a side note.) He performs for women/ girls. He's basically what every girl/woman wants. IM SO SORRY, you don't dance and you want to play games. Guess what, we're not Connect 4. We're not a game.

Recently, I've heard too many men complaining about women not giving them a chance. And it's the "BAD MEN" that make them look bad. Okay, seriously stop blaming other people. Instead of sitting or "vegging" on your ass, actually try. Yeah, that means you have to make and effort. It's giving you a bad rep to sit online and post crap all over that girls facebook. YES! WE GET IT, I'm newly single and you like the way I dress. But I've never met you before so I don't care how nice of a guy you are. You're still trying to hook up with me VIA facebook. Anyone can type. Can you look me in the eye and ask me a question?

More on the game playing subject. Women are serious 75% of the time. Not that we want to be but we want to believe that you're being honest with us. So if you were to say, "I'll call you." We'll expect it. Or we won't expect it because of the "bad man."

I'm really annoyed with talking about this over and over again. So I'm going to leave it with this.

CAUTION: Recently single women are dangerous. If you walk into this explosion of "tenderness" expect the flames.

If you can't understand that, you'll never understand women.


Tata for now.


P.S. This rant only begins. JUST SAYYYENNNN.

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